As 2019 comes to its end, I wanted to take the time to express how thankful I am for all those who have come alongside me. This idea that "I did it on my own" is just not true. We all have help, encouragement, assistance and a second set of eyes making our success possible.
When I think of the times this year, I spent on the phone venting to a friend or asking advice from a colleague, I realize that those moments helped me, pushed me forward and made me rethink issues or problems. The people in the background that never get mentioned on your business card or Facebook page are exactly the ones I want to thank for an easier year. You made my load lighter, my nights more restful and my spirit less anxious. For that reason, I am grateful because without your readiness to listen, counsel and perform a menial task, I would not be where I am today.
Appreciation is the attitude of knowing that you had help along the way. Humility often is associated with a grateful heart. I believe that the success I have had this past year and the decade I have directed TLP Education must be shared with countless people, tutors, friends, family members, colleagues, parents and students. Thank you. Thank you for partnering with me to live out my dreams. I am truly thankful.